Global Growth In Unprecedented Times for Saks OFF 5th Driving Global Uplifts During Peak Periods


Running Search with the recent inclusion of Google CSS campaigns (across global territories excluding the US) Incubeta’s objective was to increase global growth throughout unprecedented times. 

Saks OFF 5TH outlined their targets to improve November 2021 revenue by 40% YoY.


We starting by adopting automation across certain campaigns in the form of Auction Time Bidding. From here we implemented shopping campaigns using our automated tiered strategy with a modern twist through the incorporation of ATB.

By targeting growing territories with dedicated campaigns split by national language we increased campaign granularity – deploying non-English ad copy to test against English variants across our global campaigns.

Additionally we employed tried and true best practice around Q4 preparations to effectively ramp up campaigns to  capitalize on peak sale period. This included expanding keyword coverage, scheduling relevant copy, introducing scaling rules to account of increased activity and having automated reports and rules to monitor performance in real time.

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